Being ALL
"The Champions for Climate"
NETzero & NETpositive plaNET
- What
- Why
- Who
- WhosWho Gallery
- …
- What
- Why
- Who
- WhosWho Gallery
Being ALL
"The Champions for Climate"
NETzero & NETpositive plaNET
- What
- Why
- Who
- WhosWho Gallery
- …
- What
- Why
- Who
- WhosWho Gallery
Here, we invite all media players, journalists, domains experts, public & private players, and indeed citizens in this common & responsible work.
We share with you some thoughts and considerations that bring us to bootstrap ClimateTV°, as the 1st Democratic-Media for Climate Information & Actions.
With a passion to contribute solving and aligning the Climate Equation (Physics) with the new Business Equation (Economics & Societal).
That is raising the NetZero World by Ethics.
Climate change is THE marathon for our inter-generations. We do believe that we need more than a TV program, more than a event, more than a yearly COP dedicated to, more than a green deal negociation, more than a new portfolio, and a new carbon policy.
As science is clear, we are already in an exponential loop of multi-risks' effects, we need a permanent willingness. We need relevant and engaging informations & insights for actions that matter. We need a new breath of inspiration from pionneers, we need a new culture of life-style. We need a new media coalition for this common goal: making our current Generations and beyond Humanity Resilient to these on-going changes. We need You and You, we need all stakeholders For One Planet, One Climate, Playing as One Team for this Common Battle. The Battle of our daily habits, patterns. Let's raise the new mindset!
- Accelerate the transition solutions (Tech & Nature based) for 2030 and beyond
- Accelerate Funding & Climate Solutions deployment, supported by VCs and the added multi-profil investors.
- Reduce Activities & Asset portfolio risks for multi-profil investors
- Accelerate the Knowledge Translation of Climate Science & Macro Policies for risks assessment
- Reduce the Climate Risks for Humanity, to mid-century targets and beyond
- Learning by investing to support the societal transition and transformation
Building a full-stack Humanity for CLIMATE: Preservation, Mitigation, Adaptation, Restoration & Resilience, within inclusive & ethical schemes(*) motivate the creation of ClimateTV°.
⏳ Time Attention is our limited resource, for Investment solutions.
💡 Creativity & Entrepreneurship are our unlimited source of innovations.
🚀 All stakeholders have the highest responsibility for generation ahead. It's start by Media Players.
Are you ready for change? Now, Action!
One Planet, One Climate, One Team
The Champions for Climate
NetZero & Net Positive PlaNET
Sustainable Climate, Biodiversity
Sustainable Economy
Sustainable Peace, Security
Supported by
CLIMATE TV° © 2024